Shared by VERIHEAL

“Like many of its sister cannabinoids, it turns out that CBG can have an impact on our brainโ€™s production and retention of neurotransmitters. Notably, many articles are reporting that CBG may have an impact on dopamine production throughย its ability to regulate the endocannabinoid system and maintain levels of anandamide in the brain.

Anandamide, one of the endocannabinoids that is made naturally in the body, is associated with bliss and a state of overall well-being. Our brains are flooded with anandamide when we exercise and move our bodies. If youโ€™ve ever felt the โ€œrunnerโ€™s high,โ€ or simply felt really good after a workout, thatโ€™s anandamide doing its thing!

CBG, like CBD, prevents enzymes from breaking down anandamide. This has implications on mood because, along with making us feel more blissful, anandamide is alsoย a chemical that can increase dopamine. Dopamine is an important part of the bodyโ€™s โ€œrewardโ€ system and is released when we engage in certain feel-good behaviors such as sex, exercise, eating, achieving a goal, or consuming cannabis.

When we are deficient in dopamine,ย we are more prone to experiencing symptoms of depression, mood disorders, difficulty sleeping, low energy, memory issues, and loss of motivation. CBGโ€™s ability to preserve anandamide and ultimately influence dopamine production makes it a promising cannabinoid for the treatment of depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders.

Many believe that CBGโ€™s anti-anxiety benefits work best in combination with CBD for anxiety, stress, and depression. Due to theย entourage effect, many users experience superior results when they consume multiple cannabinoids together rather than simply one isolated cannabinoid.”